The Mexican-Canadian Night at PM Prague

On the last Wednesday of this month (March 29th 2006) students from Canada and Mexico organized a special party where they introduced their countries. This party was special because you could have met people who study either at Charles University or at CVUT in Prague.

Canadians were saying how proud they are of their forests, bears, ice-hockey, and of course Celine Dion. Mexican students on the other hand talked about body shots and girls in bikini. Not so many people came this time but at least queues weren’t so big.

Why did you decide to study in Prague? What do you think of the party?

Rasmus from Denmark
“I decided to study in Prague because I wanted to see the process of democratization after the fall of the communist regime in the Czech Republic. I also wanted to see how have things changed in this beautiful country after joining the EU. The party is OK”

Florian from the Netherlands
“I wanted to study in a country that joined the EU in 2004. I like the party very much; it’s easy to get beer not like the last time. The presentation was excellent but maybe it should have been later because quite of a lot of people will come before midnight.”

Marta from Spain
“I love Prague. I am here for a month now. I also work at the Spanish embassy. I came to the party with my friends and I am surprised there aren’t many people here. I love dancing. The presentation was really interesting.”

Kathleen B. Geaney & Ondřej Lemel

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