ZRUŠENO: Americký generál o protiraketovém štítu: přednáška a diskuze v Jinonicích
Katedra Amerických studií zve k přednášce a následné diskuzi vedené americkým generálem Patrickem O’Reillym. Pozvánka (PDF).
The Department of American Studies has the pleasure to invite you to a speech and subsequent discussion with MAJOR GENERAL PATRICK J. O‘ REILLY, United States Army Deputy Director of the Missile Defense Agency on the PERSPECTIVES OF THE ANTI-MISSILE SHIELD IN EUROPE.
When: 31. 10. 2008, 10:30 - 11:30
Where: Jinonice, room J1036
The speech and the debate will be conducted in English.
Patrick J. O‘ Reilly (left). Foto: AP, Petr David Josek
Major General Patrick J. O‘ Reilly is the Deputy Director for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, DC. He also serves Director of the Joint National Integration Center. In this capacity, he oversees MDA‘ s worldwide efforts to develop, field, integrate, and sustain a capability to defend the territory of the United States against intermediate and long-range ballistic missile attacks in the midcourse phase of flight. Before coming to MDA in October 2005, MG O’Reilly was the Program Executive Officer for Combat Support and Combat Service Support.